Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My goodness...

I am a bad bad bloggy updater! Well here is a tiny reason why I've been slacking on the blog world...

Many more on my website ...
Little Fuzzy Ones

My family and I are getting ready to head out to HuntValley for an upcoming bear show.  And this is the big one...we all get dressed up in costume and dress the table for Christmas.  Sounds crazy right?  So I've been very busy getting my costume together and making my little fuzzies to come along. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The end of a PickADay project.

Well while I am way past my deadline for my 30 day PickADay challenge there is very good reason for this.   I have been very sick for a few weeks.  And here is the reason...
Tuesday was our first ultrasound and here is what we found.  
One healthy baby.
Day 30 of 30

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


The finally to my 30 day project will be posted tomorrow!!

Day 29 of 30 
Every cat needs a good pair of sneakers to snuggle with.
Day 28 of 30
This was growing out of a piece of wood on a bridge. Odd. 
Day 27 of 30
Interesting kitty. 
Day 26 of 30
Little smoothie as a pick me up.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Wow am I behind on blogposts! I've been sick but tried to stay up with the PickADay.  I will hopefully post the majority of pictures in the next week.  The quality of the pictures are not so great since I had to take a few pictures last minute of the day on my phone.

Day 25 of 30
 My "nut" wreath for the fall.  I won't hang this one on the outside door, too cruel for those little squirrels.  The nuts are hot glued on to a flat wood wreath. I guess if you wanted some entertainment you could watch the squirrels for hours trying to pull off the nuts.

Day 24 of 30
A peek into my daily schedule, under the done tabs are exercise, banjo & piano. Rarely do I ever do everything on the list.

Day 23 of 30
A surprise visitor on our back porch.
Day 22 of 30
Who doesn't love a little Donald?

Day 21 of 30
Getting ready for fall!

Day 20 of 30
Day 19 of 30
For our 4 year anniversary we went to the Newport Aquarium.  I'll post more aquarium pictures.  This picture was taken inside a tunnel where the sharks were swimming all around us.  

Day 18 of 30
Well I believe that is enough pictures for today, sorry it was so pic heavy! Only 5 more days, I think I've over pickAday-ed myself. I didn't know what day it ended (since I wasn't posting everyday) so I've just kept taking pictures, I'm pretty sure I'm over 30 days now.
Have a JOYFUL day!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I'm here I'm here!

So I'm a little behind on pickaday posts but I have been taking my pictures!! Here is a looky at my pics.

Day 17 of 30
Project in the making... it will be revealed soon!!

Day 16 of 30

Day 15 of 30

We went to Young's Dairy to Wool Gatherings.  It's an annual wool festival!! This was my first year going, and it won't be the last.  My husband loves me so much he went with me... true love if you ask me, what man likes wool? Not many and certainly not my hubby.  But at least they had animals!  How can you not love this alpaca?

14 of 30

13 of 30
Disco anyone? 
And that is the up to date PickADay!
I hope you enjoyed it!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

4 Years Ago...

4 years ago today was a pretty exciting day, our wedding day!  
So Happy Anniversary to my Mr.
We've circled the world and been to so many places I can't believe we found each other.
God is good!

3 days of PickADay

Day 12 of 30 
My little moccasin, and by little I do mean very little (only a few inches big).
Day 11 of 30 
Getting ready for my best friend to visit... she's a duck lover. 
Day 10 of 30
 A painting I made for the office, I needed a little sea in Ohio.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

100 Years of Fashion

After seeing this how could I not post it?

Letters & Rivets

For my birthday my husband is letting me create a cozy corner in the office.  I figured I would start working on wall art since I don't get my cozy present until my birthday in October (come on September get out of here! I want my cozy stuff!).  I have lots of ideas for decorating and many projects started.  So here is a simple fast DIY that has a great finish. I got the idea from here...

I got all this at Hobby Lobby for around $10
 I used most of it but I have lots of left overs for other projects.  This is what I needed:
  • Two letters
  • Two scrapbook paper (wood style)
  • Wall fasteners
  • Wall wire to go between the fasteners
  • Spare parts screw head brads
  • Gray paint (I ended up not using it) so scratch that from the buying list, or you can use it... it's up to you
  • Glue gun & rubber cement
Okay so I don't have step by step pics but this is super easy!
  1. I traced around the letters and cut the shapes out of the scrapbook paper.
  2. Glue the paper on the letter.
  3. I then tried the paint around the edges (on the back of the letters), but I don't know if I just didn't have the right shade but it wasn't flying with me well so I dropped the paint.
  4. With wire cutters I cut the brads back off and hot glued them on the letters.
  5. Not a super necessary step: I wanted to hang the letters.  So I glued the hooks on the back and looped the wire between the hooks for hanging.  
Voila!! Super easy and cute!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Curious Kittens

Day 8 of 30

This is Vinny the fish, he's had a few bad days the past couple months.  He has journeyed from Venice Itlay all the way to the states.  Times are tough when you have two kitties knocking your bowl around.  Looks like I found out who is throwing precious glass off my desk.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Promise I didn't miss a day

Okay so I've decided to do a picture a day but I don't have to post every day.  I'll just play catch up on my PickADay when I post.  So here we go... 

PickADay 6 of 30
 Super yummy lunch!  I made the chicken for dinner the prior night then threw it on a salad for a delicious lunch the next day. 

7 of 30
Some of my favorite simple bracelets, how can you go wrong with glass beads?

Today has been craft-a-palooza!  I have 3 different projects I am working on in the past few hours.  And all should be done today! Post coming soon.  Have a wonderful weekend!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Meet Lola

5 of 30 

Lola is the newest edition to the Little Fuzzy Ones family. She is also apart of PickADay for today!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Once Upon a time...

Once upon a time there was a lonely bulletin board who had been hidden in the basement.  He had many issues but his biggest problem was the paint that had dribbled all down his sides while someone was recklessly painting a room (certainly not yours truly, but alas it was I).  So anyways he was put in the basement waiting to see the light of day.  Until a great idea popped in my head...MAKE OVER!  

Sorry there is no before picture (it was too cruel to post, actually I forgot).  

What you need:
  • A bulletin board
  • Paint (I had some left over from our house renovations)
  • Glue gun with glue of course
  • Decorative trim (I found some for around $8) Don't forget to measure!!
  • Push pins
  • Anything to glue on top of the push pins (add a little bit of flair to your board)
I started out painting the boarders/edge, took 2-3 coats in some areas (such as his damaged area from before, honestly I have no idea how he got so bad).  I let it dry for about a day or so.  Then hot glue gunned around the inside of the boarder.  
Then the fun part begins!  Making push pin flair! I had a collections of buttons, beads, and coins from Jamaica (cruise treasures).  I also went to a second hand store and found old blouse pins and earrings, clean them really well, cut off the backs and you have some glamor for your board.  
I was also at Joann's and had picked up these little wooden decorations, glued a push pin on the back and voila summer time fun. 
My plans are to decorate the board for the seasons so the office can share in the decor festivities.  I hope you enjoyed my little DIY.  I know super easy but hey it brightened my day, office, and not to mention my organizing skills. 
And they lived happily ever after. 

What a rainy day!

4 of 30
Rain, rain go away... no wait stay a little while it's okay.  Sometimes you just need rainy days.  Rainy days are perfect for knitting, reading, and getting caught up in quietness.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

If you're not careful, you'll get lost in here!

3 of 30
Closet cleaning mission accomplished. Every season I am amazed at what I find in my closet (good and bad). I buy clothes right at the end of the season, so I find a bunch of new stuff never worn!  It's like a present each season change.

Monday, September 5, 2011


Day 2 of 30
Cold days equal cozy nights.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


First PickADay! Day 1 of 30

Vintage letter holder made of sea shells (love it). 

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Jumping in...

Today is the day!  I started a blog, no idea what I am doing but that's kind of the exciting part.  No more standing by and watching the bloggy world passing me by.  I've considered blogging for months but didn't have the guts to do it, until my bestest friend and I made a pack to make blogs since she moved so very far away.  So here we go!