Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The end of a PickADay project.

Well while I am way past my deadline for my 30 day PickADay challenge there is very good reason for this.   I have been very sick for a few weeks.  And here is the reason...
Tuesday was our first ultrasound and here is what we found.  
One healthy baby.
Day 30 of 30

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


The finally to my 30 day project will be posted tomorrow!!

Day 29 of 30 
Every cat needs a good pair of sneakers to snuggle with.
Day 28 of 30
This was growing out of a piece of wood on a bridge. Odd. 
Day 27 of 30
Interesting kitty. 
Day 26 of 30
Little smoothie as a pick me up.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Wow am I behind on blogposts! I've been sick but tried to stay up with the PickADay.  I will hopefully post the majority of pictures in the next week.  The quality of the pictures are not so great since I had to take a few pictures last minute of the day on my phone.

Day 25 of 30
 My "nut" wreath for the fall.  I won't hang this one on the outside door, too cruel for those little squirrels.  The nuts are hot glued on to a flat wood wreath. I guess if you wanted some entertainment you could watch the squirrels for hours trying to pull off the nuts.

Day 24 of 30
A peek into my daily schedule, under the done tabs are exercise, banjo & piano. Rarely do I ever do everything on the list.

Day 23 of 30
A surprise visitor on our back porch.
Day 22 of 30
Who doesn't love a little Donald?

Day 21 of 30
Getting ready for fall!

Day 20 of 30
Day 19 of 30
For our 4 year anniversary we went to the Newport Aquarium.  I'll post more aquarium pictures.  This picture was taken inside a tunnel where the sharks were swimming all around us.  

Day 18 of 30
Well I believe that is enough pictures for today, sorry it was so pic heavy! Only 5 more days, I think I've over pickAday-ed myself. I didn't know what day it ended (since I wasn't posting everyday) so I've just kept taking pictures, I'm pretty sure I'm over 30 days now.
Have a JOYFUL day!